Idiot Card Game

  1. The Idiot Card Game
  2. Village Idiot Card Game
  3. Idiot Card Game Rules
  4. Stupid Card Game Rules

There is the best 2 Player cards Name half-wit. How to Play “Idiot“? Take care World Health Organization you challenge during a game of half-wit; it simply may well be you! half-wit could be a comparatively merely 2 player cards that encompass a distinctive vogue. During this game, every player is making an attempt to induce eliminate all of their cards.


In the game Idiot, there is no winner only one loser. The goal of the game is to not be the last person to play out all the cards from their hand. You play cards by either matching the current number in the discard pile or playing a higher-ranking card. In the game Idiot, there is no winner only one loser. The goal of the game is to not be the last person to play out all the cards from their hand. You play cards by either matching the current number in the discard pile or playing a higher-ranking card.

52 card deck: two players

Deal of Idiot card game

Face 3 cards in front of each player. Deal 3 more cards facing each player for each of those cards. Deal three extra cards in each player’s face. Pick up the last 3 cards and hold them in your hand. You have the option of getting the cards out of the business by showing the cards in front of you. (Tactics – If you want to choose a higher card for piles, 2 or 10 as high. Ignore suit. Numbers Play by numbers)

The Idiot Card Game


To not be the last person to get all the cards out of their hand.

Setup for the Idiot card game

Your deck needs to be fully used to set up. Keep in mind that you will need a standard 52 card deck for every 2-3 players. The cards will then be dealt with three times at a time for all players 3 times.

To start the deal, make each player three separate piles and face them three cards in front. Then deal one additional three cards at each additional level facing each player. Lastly, deal 3 more cards to each player side-by-side.

These last three cards will be picked and hand on. Each player can trade cards from card to card with faceup piles in front of them. The trick here is to put in high cards and 2s and 10s face piles, it’s also important to know that in this game, S is always higher and suits matter, not just numbers.

Once all the players have traded the card of their choice, the remaining cards will be placed in the center of the drawing pile. The game can now begin.


The person on the left side of the dealer to play the game can play 3 if they have one. If they don’t have one or want to play it, play with the next player who can decide to play 3 cards. If it goes in all directions and doesn’t play 3 then it continues for 4s and so on until the first card is played.

After playing the first card the player will return up to three cards in hand, the player must always draw up to three until the draw pile is emptied but that step is Idiot.

The next player has to play a card of the same rank or higher as the top card of the Stupa thrown to continue playing. This is how players will play cards from their hands. If a player is unable or unwilling to play a card in line with the criteria, they must pick up all the discarded cards and add them to their hands.

If you have multiple cards of the same rank, you can play them at the same time, if you play a card of the same rank you play, you can play it and draw a new card.

Relative Post: 7 Best Practices For How to Play SlapJack Card Game

How to Play Idiot

  1. Shuffle a 52-card deck, then deal with every player three cards face-down, followed by three cards face-up on high of the face-down cards, and at last three cards to every player’s hand
  2. Each player might switch out cards from their hand with the face-up cards ahead of them (you can wish to position high price cards, 2’s, or 10’s here, the reasoning to follow, keep reading).
  3. Put all the remaining cards face-down as a draw pile.
  4. Start with the player opposite the dealer, World Health Organization places down rock bottom card in their hand, so attracts a replacement card, as you want to hold 3 cards in your hand till the draw pile runs out.
  5. The next player should then meet or beat that card’s price (aces area unit high), places it down, so attracts a card.
  6. When a player cannot meet or beat a card vie antecedently, they take the total pile into their hand.
  7. Multiples of any card price could also be via at identical time (you might place 2 4’s in one turn), and if you play a card so draw identical price card (if you pose the jack of clubs so draw the jack of hearts), you’ll additionally play that instantly so draw cards copy to 3 in your hand.
  8. Continue the sport till you run through the draw pile. this is often wherever things get attention-grabbing.
  9. First, though, some special notes: all of the 2’s within the deck area unit thought-about wild (they could also be vying as any value) and therefore the 10’s within the deck filter the pile live.
  10. When you play a ten, take the total pile and place it aside. All of these cards area unit thought-about off from the sport.
  11. The same happens is somebody plays all four cards of the identical price (if you play all four 7’s directly, filter the pile from play).
  12. Now that the draw pile is gone, players run through the cards in their hands, so play from the 3 piles ahead of them (this is why you wished 2’s, 10’s, and high cards ahead of you to start the game).
  13. Play through the face-up cards, so play blindly from the face-down cards.
  14. First to play their last card with success wins the game!
  15. Some play that the last person holding cards becomes the village half-wit and must purchase succeeding spherical.

Free online play: idiot

Have Fun!

I hope you have learned how to play Idiot by reading this article. I love this card game and hope you do too. If the rules come up, if you are still unclear, feel free to ask a question in the comment box below.

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Pyramid Solitaire Rules


The objective in Pyramid Solitaire is to get rid of all the cards in the Pyramid. You get rid of cards by matching two cards whose ranks equal 13 together. Possible matches would be a 3 and a 10, 5 and an 8 etc. An ace ranks as 1, a Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13.


The game board in Pyramid solitaire is made up of four things:

Idiot Card Game
  • The Pyramid: The pyramid is made up of 28 cards, in 7 rows. Each card is partially covered by two cards from the next row.
  • The Stock: The facedown pile on the bottom left. It is used to draw cards from and put on the Waste.
  • The Waste: The faceup pile next to the Stock. Cards on the Waste can be matched to cards in the Pyramid to get rid of the Pyramid cards. E.g. you can drag a 4 from the Waste onto an open 9 on the Pyramid, and then both those cards will be moved to the Foundation, and are out of the game.
  • The Foundation: The pile on the bottom right, where cards that have been removed from the Pyramid are put.

The purpose of the game is to match cards together so their ranks equal 13. The cards that are available are any card on the Pyramid that have no other cards covering them, and the top card on the Waste pile. In the beginning of the game all the cards in the bottom row of the Pyramid are available, then slowly the cards in the upper rows become available as you remove more of the cards in the lower rows.

Allowed Moves

  • Flip cards from the Stock onto the Waste. You move cards from the Stock onto the Waste by clicking on the top card of the Stock.
  • Move the top card of the Waste onto an open Pyramid card. You can either drag the top card of the Waste onto a Pyramid card to remove both of them, or you can first click the Waste card and then click the Pyramid card. Both do the same thing, you just click or drag depending on what you like better. The Pyramid card must be available for this to work, it can't be covered by any Pyramid card from a lower row.
  • Move a Pyramid card onto another Pyramid card. Both the Pyramid cards must be available, not covered by any other card for this to work. Exactly like with the stock card you can either drag one card onto the other, or first click on one and then click on the other.
  • Move a Pyramid card onto a Pyramid card that it is covering. If, for example, a 4 is covering a 9, and the other card covering the 9 has already been removed, then you can move the 4 onto the 9. If there's another card also covering the 9 then you can't do this. It varies between versions of Pyramid Solitaire whether this move is allowed or not, I've decided to allow it.
  • Reset the Stock once it's empty. Once you've flipped all the cards from the Stock onto the Waste you can click on the RESET button where the Stock was, and it will put all the cards from the Waste back into the Stock. In this version you are allowed to reset the Stock as many times as you want.
  • Move a King to the Foundation. The purpose is to move cards whose combined ranks equal 13 to the foundation. A King ranks as 13 by itself, so it can't be matched with any other card. To get rid of a King you can simply click the card once, or manually drag it onto the foundation.
  • You can Undo as many times as you like. The game offers unlimited undos. Each Undo counts as a new move though, so if you're trying to win the game in as few moves as possible you should be careful about how many undos you use.

Village Idiot Card Game


A game is considered won if all the cards from the Pyramid are removed. Not all games are winnable. The game will notify you if there's no chance of winning the game anymore.

Time and Moves

The game counts the moves you make, and measures the time it takes to finish the game, so you can compete against your previous best games. The best possible game would be if you never used the stock and always removed two cards at a time from the Pyramid (no kings), in that case your move count would be 14.

Idiot Card Game Rules


Stupid Card Game Rules

There are many variations of Pyramid Solitaire possible. In some you have more Waste piles, in others you never reset the Stock, some have the Stock face-up, and there are plenty of others as well. I've chosen this variation, please don't email me telling me it's 'wrong', there are many possibilities, this is just the one I like the best :)